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#402 – Parabol Available at Impact Level 2 via DoD Platform One

Friday Ship #402 | June 28th, 2024


This week, DoD Platform One deployed Parabol within their Impact Level 2, Party Bus environment, and is offering prepaid licenses to support the mission needs of their DoD customers.

DoD Platform One (P1) and Parabol have worked under a Direct to Phase II (D2P2) SBIR contract for the past 12 months to make the adaptations and security enhancements required to deploy Parabol within P1’s Party Bus environment. This deployment makes Parabol available for the first time to any government customer requiring use of Parabol at elevated impact levels through P1’s Service Catalog. No bids, RFPs, or contracts required!

Government customers can simply contact Platform One and MIPR funds directly to P1 for Parabol licenses…AND for a limited time, Platform One has a limited number of seats available, for you to try Parabol risk free!

Today, our users are utilizing Parabol for the following:

  • Mission planning – Preparing for an event that will take place where multiple stakeholders need to collect, organize, analyze, validate and disseminate information simultaneously, either synchronously or asynchronously.
  • “Hot washes”, briefing, or debriefing from an event that took place, where multiple people need to collect, organize, analyze, validate and disseminate information either synchronously or asynchronously, for course of action decision making.
  • Pre and post launch space operations – Groups of guardians, contractors and government civilians simultaneously collecting, organizing, validating and disseminating information either synchronously or asynchronously before and after launch.
  • Software factories – The software development community in the DoD are using Parabol for sprint estimation to prioritize work that needs to be accomplished and ultimately reduce the time it takes to delver software capabilities to the DoD.
  • Personnel Performance Reviews – collecting feedback from multiple people for personnel’s performance for the quarter or for the year.

Platform One’s mission is to transform how the DoD delivers warfighter capability through innovative frameworks, collaborative culture, and secure software. The team provides the ability to deploy DevSecOps Platforms (CNCF-compliant Kubernetes stack) and Continuous Integration/ Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) pipelined with a Continuous Authority to Operate (c-ATO). Party Bus is the environment and services required to securely develop and deploy software applications for use at elevated impact levels.

Want to try Parabol out risk free? As I mentioned, part of the D2P2 contract provides a limited number of prepaid licenses to P1’s customers until June of 2025. Reach out directly through P1’s Inquiry Form.


Metrics are mostly flat or slightly down. We are seeing the start of our annual summer slowdown, as folks head out-of-office for their summer breaks. Interestingly, however, we saw an uptick in signups this week.

This week we…

…completed the milestones on our Direct to Phase II SBIR with DoD Platform One, completing the work required to deploy Parabol in their Impact Level 2, Party Bus environment

...returned from celebrating the Summer/Winter Solstice, an all-company holiday here at Parabol

…updated the Parabol dashboard to make it easier for users to get to their organization’s settings.

Next week we’ll

…kick off our next product cycle

Bobby Mack

Bobby Mack

In 2017, Bobby pivoted his career from helping Silicon Valley tech startups go to market, to helping the U.S. Air Force launch their most successful innovation program to date; AFWERX. Bobby was part of AFWERX’s initial core team as head of marketing and communications for over 3 years.

Taking what he learned at his time with AFWERX, Bobby now specializes in technology transfer between the DoD and private sector. Bobby has managed the proposal writing and relationship building that has led him to successfully help small businesses win dozens of awards with the U.S. government to get mission critical commercial technology in the hands of the warfighter.

All your agile meetings in one place

Run efficient meetings, get your team talking, and save time. Parabol is free for up to 2 teams.