Mattermost Integration for Agile Meetings
Keep everyone in the loop via Mattermost
Engage your team and stakeholders in your agile ceremonies, with meeting reminders and summaries right on Mattermost.
Automatically alert your team when you start a meeting
Your team already collaborates and stays connected in Mattermost. Automatically notify teammates when a sprint retrospective or agile estimation meeting begins by connecting your team in Parabol to the relevant Mattermost channel.
Run meetings asynchronously
If your team is spread across many timezones, you might want to run meetings async – making use of Parabol’s structured process while giving members the flexibility to reflect, group, vote, estimate, or discuss in their own time.
In Parabol, set a deadline for completing each phase, and remind everyone to leave their feedback with helpful notifications in Mattermost when the time limit starts and ends.
Keep everyone – from Anaheim 🇺🇸 to Zachimi 🇯🇵 – included automatically.
Share a meeting summary with your team
Parabol automatically sends an email summary to the whole team for every meeting, including those who weren’t around.
For retrospective meetings, the detailed summary shows the number of reflections, topics, and tasks that came out of the meeting, who participated, and what takeaway tasks each participant owns. For estimation meetings, meeting summaries include all the issues estimated and their final score.
With the Mattermost integration, everyone following your designated channel will see a meeting summary directly in Mattermost. Whether it’s teammates or stakeholders across the organization, keep everyone in the loop easily.
Work happens on Mattermost – bring your meetings where your team is
Mattermost helps you align your team, tools, and processes across each stage of the development lifecycle. With Parabol, you can raise the bar on the quality of your meetings.
Bring the power of Parabol to the place where you’re already working.